Tragedy Shines Light On Lives Of Yemeni Child Brides : NPR

She was crying; the new reality of her situation weighed heavily on her. That’s been changing lately, and later this month, the Yemeni parliament is set to vote on whether to impose a minimum-marriage age of 17 for women and 18 for men. More than one-quarter of girls in Yemen are married before the age of 15, according to a 2009 study by the government’s Ministry of Social Affairs, but they rarely come forward to protest or complain.

Rural development programs like healthcare, water, and sanitation may aid families financially and minimize child marriage. Education and rural development may break the cycle of poverty and child marriage. In Yemen, displaced girls, especially those with longer exposure to conflict, have the highest risk of child marriage compared to boy and host girl counterparts.

  • In 2008 the total female labor force participation had remained stagnant at 21.7 percent.
  • Around 24 million Yemenis are dependent on humanitarian aid and educational programs aimed at preventing child marriages have been postponed or dropped altogether.
  • This law came after national movements condemning Mozambique’s high rate of child marriage with 50% of girls marrying under the age of 18.
  • Prior to unification in 1990, North Yemen’s Personal Status Law set the minimum age for marriage at 15.In the south, it was 16.

‘” she says, explaining the group’s suspicion that she was being used as a puppet by a foreign country or NGO. Al Ahdal and her uncle appealed to the Yemeni Ministry of Interior, which, in conjunction with a child welfare organisation, detained her for 10 days during negotiations with members of the family. What she was yet to learn, Al Ahdal says, was that the marriage had already been formalised. When discussing the subject, she does not rule out the possibility of dating but it is clearly a distant priority even as a woman now at the age of 20. The song is by Abu Bakr Salem and was inspired by the moment friends spotted his son, then nine, in intimate conversation with a girl his age. After fleeing her homeland, she lived in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Kenya, never remaining more than a year because she was either not allowed to study or did not have the right to stay. The journey to save herself propelled the young Al Ahdal to international attention, with interest sustained ever since by the campaign she leads to give victims an escape route like the one her uncle Abdelsalem provided.

They also stress that sex outside marriage is adultery, according to Sharia. “We understand that young people are sexually active, but unlike in the West, they can marry here and not partake in immoral behaviour,” said al-Hazmi. Those who oppose the bill cite the example of the marriage between the Prophet Mohammed and his second wife Aisha, who was said to be around nine at the time. “We view a child as mature when it reaches puberty, not when it’s 18,” said Sheikh Mohammed al-Hazmi, who is a member of the Yemeni parliament. On 21 March, several religious clerics issued a fatwa against a minimum age.

Studies on other countries show that women who marry early have the highest proportion of unfavorable pregnancy outcomes at all stages throughout their childbearing years. The question of whether a girl is capable of providing her full and free consent to marriage becomes more complex as she grows older. However, even older girls are not always able to make an informed decision about marriage. Salma was 17 years old with only one year of secondary school left when she decided to marry a man she did not know. According to the presidential decree on civil status and civil registration, amended in 2003, all births must be registered with the Ministry of Health within 60 days. Similarly, all marriage contracts must be registered at the Ministry of Justice within 15 days.

Early marriage is cited as “a barrier to continuing education for girls “. This includes absuma , bride kidnapping and elopement decided on by the children.

but conflict in the country has further compounded the problem and increased the rates of child marriage

Fawziya Youssef was 12-years old when she, and her baby, died in childbirth in September. We have both Yemen Single Muslim Brides and Yemen divorcee Muslim Brides profiles listed on our Yemen Matrimonial page. In 2010, another Yemeni teenager moved to the U.S. with her family.

and Government Failure to Protect Girls and Women

The report also showed that 40% of the world’s child marriages occur in India. As with Africa, this UNICEF report is based on data that is derived from a small sample survey in 1999. The latest available UNICEF report for India uses 2004–2005 household survey data, on a small sample, and other scholars report lower incidence rates for India. continue reading According to Raj et al., the 2005 small sample household survey data suggests 22% of girls ever married aged 16–18, 20% of girls in India married between 13 and 16, and 2.6% married before age 13. According to 2011 nationwide census of India, the average age of marriage for women in India is 21. The child marriage rates in India, according to a 2009 representative survey, dropped to 7%. For 2011, the Census of India reports child marriage rates dropping further to 3.7% of females aged less than 18 being married.

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Since the vast majority of those subjected to child marriage are girls, it is considered a form of gender-based discrimination, and it violates other human rights principles. Child marriage can have severe consequences for the physical and psychological health of girls, particularly younger girls, and these consequences may impact women throughout their life. Girls and women are often confined to the home and are expected to take on household work and care for their families, including their in-laws. Girls may be isolated from friends and family, may rarely have anyone to share their concerns with, and may find themselves regularly surrounded by people who ignore or condone their suffering. She has been married for seven years and has two children who were likely born before she was 18 years old. She explained how she was denied medical treatment by her in-laws.

Reem is the latest child bride to run from her husband’s arms into the media spotlight. But she is not the youngest girl to escape from domestic violence and sexual abuse in recent months. This spring, 9-year-old Arwa and 10-year-old Nujood became the first “tiny voices” to alert the world to Yemen’s widespread practice of child marriage. 10 of those aged under 16 – the minimum local age for sex or marriage – were married and four had children, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration said. Of the 10 “some live in adult asylum centers, some in their own rooms and some with their partners”, it said in emailed replies to Reuters questions … Minister Inger Støjberg said that she would “stop housing child brides in asylum centers” after a review found dozens of cases of girls living with older men.

Other participants said educated girls are granted more agencies and are better equipped to contribute to domestic and economic household stability. However, these comments most often related to her abilities as a wife and mother. This fear was not described for boys, thus highlighting a factor in the perceived need to marry girls at a younger age than boys. A little over half of household members were female (55%), which was similar across IDP (55.5%) and host (54.6%) populations. Mean length of time that the household had lived in their current location was much less for IDPs (25.4 months) than hosts (157.4 months). The wealth index created through principal component analysis was heavily right skewed, showing many of the households were living at a lower socioeconomic status , with IDPs at a lower average SES status than host communities (−0.69 and 0.54, respectively). Figure 1) and cultural representation, concentration of IDPs, and accessibility to research.

But on top of social tradition, the conflict in Yemen has exacerbated conditions that have seen a rapid rise in the practice. The ongoing war, that began in 2014, is one of the main drivers contributing to the climbing numbers of child marriages, according to a recent statement by a UN Security Council working group. When Hind’s mother managed to get a court order cancelling the marriage contract, her story became one of the rare cases of reprieve in Yemen, where the rate of child marriage is rising rapidly. It is also possible that educated fathers, regardless of employment status, prioritize girls’ education and are more likely to delay marriage for their daughters. However, this relationship is complex and merits further investigation. Child brides are not only vulnerable to abuse, they are also more likely to experience dangerous complications related to pregnancy. Globally, pregnancy-related complications are one of the leading causes of death among girls aged 15 to 19.

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