Ghana Scams

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He might ask for money to pay for travel so that they could meet in person or he might claim a family member was gravely ill and ask for help with medical expenses. Besides spotting a potential scammer, there are a few precautions you can take to avoid online dating scams. Firstly, use reverse image searches and services like the reverse lookup tool on Social Catfish to verify a person’s online identity. You should check that the same image isn’t appearing across a variety of profiles under different names.

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Due to the massive amounts of money being scammed each year from individuals and businesses, many predators are flocking to get in on the ransomware payouts. Social media platforms are often sought-after regarding data breaches. Having unauthorized access to someone’s social media can be massive; the unauthorized party can ruin relationships, job opportunities or current jobs, and even school prospects. Do not share your personal details, banking information, or private pictures until you meet in person and get to know your partner.

What to do if you are a victim of a Scam

You should also keep up-to-date on the different types of dating scams emerging, especially those related to the platform you’re using. Not all dating scams involve prolonged catfishing, and certain mobile dating app scams differ from dating website scams. Some scammers even request financial help or financial investment related to their fictional business. If any kind of financial request comes from your suitor, this is the biggest sign that you are the target of a scam.

When your friend does try to leave the country, he/she gets into a car accident or is detained by immigration officials demanding payment, bribes, or proof of a certain amount of cash on hand for travel. You’ve sent large sums of money for visas or plane tickets but the person cannot seem to make it out of Ghana. Your friend/fiancé is plagued with medical or other life problems requiring loans from you.

This is a website from the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. a government registered online crime victims assistance nonprofit organization supporting scam victims worldwide. Each person is different and it is important to understand how relationship scams work and why people are vulnerable; to being scammed, how they were lured in, then groomed and manipulated. This understanding is essential in helping them through the process of ending the scam and then on to recovery. The SCARS Slate Book will provide the information necessary to help support a victim through this process. Special Agent Jule Albretsen shares tips on how to avoid romance scams when dating online. Scammers can use details shared on social media and dating sites to better understand and target you.

But once the victims deposit the money the fraudsters disappear leaving no clue for the victim to realize how to get back the lost money from them. Dating and romance scammers can also pose a risk to your personal safety as they are often part of international criminal networks. Scammers may attempt to lure their victims overseas, putting you in dangerous situations that can have tragic consequences. They often claim to be from Australia or another western country, but travelling or working overseas.

The average amount per victim is around $2,600, but for older adults over the age of 70, it is $10,000. Here are some of the most common romance and dating scams to be aware of and avoid. On Tinder, for example, a match may have several exchanges with you and then offer you further information on their personal web page or even fake Facebook or Instagram profiles. Some free online dating sites may seem legitimate at first but will reveal their true colors once you’ve been a member for a while.

Usually, after natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, or tsunamis, many funds are set-up to help the victims. The charitable organisations and well-wishers will create an account where people may send money to. However, scammers will also set up a fund not to help the victims but themselves. After finally contacting your date, you will use online chats, text messaging, or even calls just to get to know her/him better. However, along the way, your date will ask you for money in order to handle a medical emergency involving a close friend or family.

The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions like decision-making and impulse control, is also affected by love bombing. When the reward center of the brain is activated, it can override the prefrontal cortex’s ability to make rational decisions, making the victim more susceptible to the scammer’s manipulation. Eventually, a Ghanaian scammer is after cash and they’ll do anything to trick their own sufferers into giving them money. They generally may request it a couple of days after ‘meeting’ you while in other instances, they are able to await months before asking for it.

If you are unable to prove that they are tricking you, but something still seems off, then it is fine to just cut all forms of contact with them. If you feel you are in danger, contact the authorities immediately without giving the scammer what they want. Therefore, if you think your match on a dating site is lying about who they are, you can search for them to uncover the truth.

This content is the property of Wymoo International, LLC and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Scammers may also send messages indicating that a package arrived from overseas and needs some money to be paid so it can be released. After the money is deposited these ‘western union officers’ disappear leaving no trace. Avoid sharing too much information on Facebook that could reveal your financial and social status.